“Showcasing Black Culture and Heritage Worldwide”


Africana Media and Promotions is a public relations, marketing and communications company that specializes in developing, enhancing, branding, advancing and promoting of all things related to black culture, heritage and history. This includes people, places, organizations, events and causes that has an impact on the lives and perceptions of people of African descent around the globe. Africana Media and Promotions serves to educate people about about the African Diaspora Cultural Heritage.


Africana Media and Promotions has a mission of bringing extended awareness to our clients and helping them relay powerful messages related to cultural heritage through print, online and broadcast sources, as well as public and community services.

 * Brochures-Flyers-Website

 * Campaign Creation

 * Publication Placement

 * Logo and Banner Design

 * Travel, Site and Tour Promotions

 * Special Projects

 * Provide Travel Media: Writers, Broadcast & Phototography

 * Distribute E-blasts to desired audience

 * Culture and Heritage PR

* African Diaspora Speakers Bureau


Africana Media and Promotions serves to give clients increased exposure in order to to get their products in front of the right people, communities and target audiences.

 * AD King Foundation

 * Arik Air

 * MLK Memorial Bust -Bimini Bahamas

 * African Diaspora World Tourism Awards & Travel Expo

 * Africa Travel Association

*  Project Tupac

 * Kristina Kellie

 * 2014 Gambia Roots Festival

 * Pan African Cultural Heritage Institute

 * Emirate Airlines

 * Bojo Resorts

 * Benin Agency for Reconciliation & Development

 * National Juneteenth Campaign

* Renaldo Pearson

* Int. Association of Black Travel Writers

 Expertise (coming soon)

 Bio / background

 Interview with CEO


 Affiliate companies